Monday, October 13, 2008

The End Is Nigh

Seems like I'm stuck in a once-a-month rut. I get bored... but not bored enough to blog. Just lazy I guess.

Almost to the end of the semester. Just this week and the next to go, then I'm free for the rest of the year. After exams of course. What fun.

My exam timetable? One on the 7th November, then the 10th and two (one's a practical exam) on the 11th. Interestingly, this'll probably be my last formal exam ever, unless of course I need to take IELTS again next time (I don't really count that as much though, seeing as I don't study for it). Can't say I'm sad to see the end of it though.

I'm doing well assignment-wise. Most of them are completed and handed in, save for one lab report and a "Product Development Proposal" that's really complex. Luckily I'm doing the Marketing part which is not too bad, compared to the other sections at least.

Work's been not bad these past few weeks. Been having more fun nowadays after a short 'blah' spell.

Well, enough about the current issues.

Signing off.


Ivan Lee said...

and i thought u are dead... lol just kidding! hey since you're gonna be free after nov why don't u join us for our Bangkok trip???

Yong Ming said...

Free is subjective.

Free from uni.

Not free from work...