Friday, November 09, 2007

Back Again

Exams are half over, I've got a week's break (until next Wednesday before my next exam). Still kinda busy though. Working quite a lot this weekend to make up for the lack of work over the past few days. It's amazing how much you forget after not being on regular duty for almost a week. Yesterday I realised I hadn't been into work proper since the last Friday... so everything seemed quite 'new' to me, even botched a couple of announcements. I'm not looking forward to Saturday though, it's the first full-shift I'm pulling since... I forget when.. but it's been months since I've done that. Hopefully I can maintain my stamina...

Feeling a bit melancholy today. Not quite sure why... but there it is. I guess moods come around. Maybe it's the lack of sleep although I've been striving to catch eight hours a day, I've been sleeping at one or two everyday so maybe that's getting to me...

Oh Well.

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