Tuesday, March 13, 2007

And Again

Well... here I am again. Nothing much just taking the time out to keep typing and make sure that there's something here at least. Can't wait until I get my internet at home so I can go back to surfing the net at home. Was thinking of starting online gaming again... but... we'll see. Anyway, last week was... boring. Highlight: celebrated my b'day on Saturday... and went for pizza on Sunday to celebrate. It was not bad... quite fun. I ate a whole pizza... and then some. Hehe. On Friday night, my housemates suprised me with a cake and candles... but they did it just after I went to bed so I was naturally blur and sleepy. Still it was a nice thought.

Okay... that's it I guess... nowadays very sleepy. Wonder why? anyway... I'm very blur right now... so no idea what to type. Until the next round.

Signing Off.

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